
Processing parts of a String

Strings allow you to work with parts of a String, splitting or joining a string.


 String abbreviate(String? string, int maxWidth, {int offset = 0})

The abbreviate method truncates a string to 'maxWidth' characters and adds '...' to the end.

String.abbreviate("A long Sentence", 9);
-> A long...

The maxWidth argument sets the maxWidth of the resulting String, including the trailing ellipsis (...).

You can use the 'offset' argument to control where the truncation starts from.

String.abbreviate("A long Sentence", 9, offset: 3);
-> A long Se...

If the 'string' is shorter than 'maxWidth' then the string is returned without change.

If you pass null then 'string' will be treated as a zero length string.

String.abbreviate(null, 9);
-> ''


The abbreviate method is available as an extension method on the String class.

-> 'ab...'


static String hidePart(String? string,
      {int start = 0, int? end, String replaceWith = '*'})

The 'hidePart' method replaces a section of the string with replacement character.

This can be used to hide a security token or a password contained within a string.

To hide a section of the string define a start position (defaults to 0) and an end position (defaults to the end of the string). The start position is inclusive and the end exclusive (just like substring).

Be default the replacement string is '*' but you can modify the value by passing an alternate string to replaceWith. replaceWith is normally a single character but it can be any String.

Strings.hidePart('my password', start: 3, replaceWith: '#');
-> 'my ########'


The hidePart method is available as an extension method on the String class;

'my password'.hidePart(start: 0, end: 2, replaceWith: 'x');
-> 'xx password'


  static String join(List<Object?>? list, {String separator = ''}) 

The 'join' method concatenates a list of objects into a String by calling their 'toString' method, separating each item with the separator.

If the 'list' is null an empty String is returned;

If any member of the list is null then just the separator is output for that element.

Strings.join(['a', 'b', null, 'c'], separator, ',')
-> 'a,b,,c';


  static String left(String? string, int length, {Pad pad = Pad.none})

The left method returns the left 'n' characters from a string.

Strings.left('one', 1);
 -> 'o'

If the String is less than the 'length' passed then you can optionally pad the String to 'length' characters long.

Strings.left('one', 4, pad: Pad.left);
-> ' one'
Strings.left('one', 4, pad: Pad.right);
-> 'one '

By default, no padding will be applied (Pad.none).

Strings.left('one', 4);
-> 'one'

If you pass null then it will be treated as a zero length String.

Strings.left(null, 4, pad: Pad.left);
-> '    '


The 'left' method is available as an extension method on the String class.

'hello world'.left(5);
-> hello
  static String right(String? string, int length, {Pad pad = Pad.none})

The right method returns the right 'n' characters from a string.

Strings.right('one', 1);
 -> 'e'

If the String is less than the 'length' passed then you can optionally pad the String to 'length' characters long.

Strings.right('one', 4, pad: Pad.left);
-> ' one'
Strings.right('one', 4, pad: Pad.right);
-> 'one '

By default, no padding will be applied (Pad.none).

Strings.right('one', 4);
-> 'one'

If you pass null then it will be treated as a zero length String.

Strings.right(null, 4, pad: Pad.left);
-> '    '


The 'right' method is available as an extension method on the String class.

'hello world'.right(5);
-> world

Last updated

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